Thursday, January 24, 2008

welcome to halo 3 tips skulls(crows nest)

welcome back to halo 3 tips today i will be telling you how to get two skull in the crows nest level(black eye and grunt b-day) the black eye skull is worth 10 g and is easy to get. when you start off the level go to the back of the room than approch the crate once your on the crate jump on the pipe in which the skull is in. the second skull i worth no gamerscore but comes in handy. this skull will make and enemys head exploade like a plasma grenade(only grunts) this skull is tricky beacause when youre in the room with the drones(after you kill the chieftan)you have to jump on to the bottom floor and the skull is waiting for you. the black eye skull will make your shields not reacharge.they will only recharge when you beat someone down. have fun!

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