Tuesday, January 29, 2008

halo 3 tips: wepons guide(rifles)

assault rifle: your deafault rifle. it takes about one clip to kill someone at close range. has attomatic fire and has 32 bullets per clip.

battle rifle: a rifle that has a three shot burst. four shots to the head gets a kill. has 36 bullets per clip

carbine: a covenent rifle that fires one shot per trigger. it has the equivelent power of the battle rifle but it takes about 6-7 shots to the head for a kill. it has 18 shots per clip

plasma rifle: a covenant rifle that fires rounds extremly fast but will overheat after 20 rapid fire shots. best used when dual wielding. 100 rounds per rifle(no reaload)

spike rifle(spiker):the brute equivelent to the smg. no use while single wielding. has 42 spikes per clip

sniper rifle: one of my wepons of choice. one of the most important wepons in a game. takes 2 body shots to kill or 1 headshot to kill someone. 4 shells per clip

shotgun: the most deavestating close range wepon. 6 shells till reaload

needler: the needler is small and pink and spiky but deadly wepon. 18 needles per caddy. takes about the whole clip to kill someone and that wont take long since the needles follow you until they expload into a pink cloud of misery and pain.

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