Tuesday, January 29, 2008

halo 3 tips: wepons guide(heavy wepons)

spartan laser: my wepon of choice and is the ultimate wepon of mass destruction! only people with skill can kill any one with it. beacause of its 4 second charge. the rectucle is sort of hard to use when no-scopeing. this laser is so powerful you get a medal when you laser someone. this wepon can litterally destroy anything in the game! 5 lasers per spartan laser

rocket launcher: the ultimate wepon if you want to kill people in groups. fires 2 rockets per barrel. this wepon is primaly used for splash damage.

fuel rod cannon: only avalable in forge or custom made maps this is a covie rocket launcher that take 2 shots to kill some one. 5 rods per clip

brute shot: a grenade launcher with a huge knife on the back takes 2 shots to kill some one. 6 grenades per belt.

flame thrower: a wepon that is made for close range and will kill an enemy in under 5 seconds.

gravity hammer: a big stick that baisicly realeses a freken huge ball of energy to the ground.

energy sword: a sword that alows you to make a ridiculus lunge to kill your enemy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate rockets