Thursday, May 29, 2008

halo 3 tips: the halo 2 combo

hi im amateursarge and today i will be tallking about the halo 2 combos in halo 3! i remeber when i first got my copy of halo 2 and i defended the cairo station with my br and dual smgs. now i can tech you some good combos from halo 2. the first combo is called the noob combo one fully charged plasma pistol shot plus one shot from the br will take some one down but there are ways dodge this if you are shot by a plasma pistol immediatly look for cover if you are in the open immediatly throw nades and run in circles while you crouch till your shields reacharge(this combo is hard to master in halo 3 and dont count on it). the next combo is called the halo 2 combo which is just an smg and a plasma rifle(works best on halo 3) and finnaly my combo the pro combo. the pro combo is for halo 3 and consists of you shooting someone with a sniper and then one shot to the face with a battle rifle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wuz up lol .. I came across your blog that has since been abonded to the internets on 12/27/2015 , i looked up "Jiranhale" wrongly . the brute name , and ur website was the only one to come up . Keep playing bra halo ftw