Monday, March 3, 2008

halo 3 tips:50TH POST!!!!!!!!

HI GUYS THIS IS AMATUER SARGE AND IM EXITED! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 50 POSTS OF KICK butt TIPS! SINCE TODAY IS SUCH A GOOD DAY IM GOING TO MAKE AN AWSOME TIP: OMG MELLE! todays tip is special. where im tallking about melle. there is a update on bungie . net about melle fix. if two people swing at each ohter at the same time we both die. if your like me we curse ourselfs to another dimmension beacause clearly we hit him first! wth noob i will kill you noob! u mf die i hit you first why are u tbaging me? lol. ok i have another tip aswell its about the second chapter of halo daily well ohter than the update there are some minor tweeks regarding big team battle aparantly it lags like a mother so they updated the big team battle 'good connection' setting they fixed it so it goes faster and doesent lag so much as it used to. in ohter news bungie may be releasing a new matchmaking hopper called team snipers which im realy looking foward to it. it looks like only pros will be playing that! so thats halo daily and my 50TH POST OMG! this is amatuer sarge and im out!

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