Friday, February 8, 2008

halo 3 tips: to kill a demon

the folowing enemies are the ones you fight in campaign

grunt: though small these aliens are capable of compleatly destroying you in groups. they have a "special ability" to pull out two activated plasma grenades and run towards you. thous killing you. name translation: unnogoy

jakals: these bird like creatures have deadly aim. they have energy shields that are porable on their arms. covie name translation: kig-yar

brutes: the leaders of covie infanry. they have shields but they dont reacharge. come in different ranks. rank is determined by the size of their helmet. like the brute chieftan has a huge helmet and a grav hammer with invincibilty for a short time. covie name translation: jiranhale

flood: zombie like creatures which are easy to kill alone but in groups they are unstopable. name translation: demons

hunters: a huge creature which is made of many organisms is one of the most deadly creatures in the game. their covenent name is:lecgolo

scarb: not realy a living thing the scarab is a vehicle that is realy big.

drone: an anoying little ***** that flies around in groups they are bugs that take only one shot to kill

1 comment:

loljkl said...

hey its neil again, you got copied and pasted some of the discriptions from halopedia. When are u going to **** call me!!!!!!!!!!