Thursday, February 28, 2008

halo 3 tips: close combat

hi im amatuer sarge and im here to tallk about close combat. if your in a small map like the pit or construct there is no replacement for the shot gun or mauler. if you are in a map with alot of close corners like the pit go for the sowrd and camp in the sowrd room. or if your enemys camp in the sword room trow lots of nades and get the shottie. or if they have the shottie grab the turret or brute shot. and if your good at no-scopes then grab the sniper. but if you are wallking around and theres a corner jump. dont question me jump esspecialy if they have a shotgun they wont have enough time to look up and see.

halo 3 tips:real halo

quite a while ago i bought a real plasma rifle! and plasma pistol. they are rely cool. the make life like sounds and recoil. i will show you guys pics.

Monday, February 25, 2008

halo 3 tips: the flood

the flood are zombies that come back alive. they are prety anoying and freky. the secret is only shotgun and sowrd to kill flood

halo 3 tips: rocket nubs

hi im amatuer sarge today im tallking about rocket noobs. rocket noobs are people who only use rockets for every kill they get. to avoide thesese nubs shoot the rockets in mid air. or get them before the noob can.

the fcat pep rally

the best performance in the pep rally was marlin boy! it was a very original remake of soulja boy. it had realy good rhymes. no we aint gonna get a b no we aint gonna get a c no we aint gonna get a d man those grades are ugly.

the performances in order from greatest to least

6th grade
4th grade
5th grade
1th grade

Sunday, February 24, 2008

halo 3 tips:noob wepons

this is amatuer sarge tallking about noob wepons. ok im sick and tierd of kids saying that they own when the only wepons they use are the sowrd and rockets. ill admit it its ok to use them once in a while but i know some kids that will use em for the whole game im sick of it! the sad thing is there are actual people that i know that only use sowrds and hammers or rockets! im sick of it! god! i hate noobs. oh yah and another thing im making a poll on favorite wepons and if someone picks rockets i will laugh at you esspecialy if i know you. ok so noobs STOP BIEING NOOBS!

halo 3 new map reaveled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omg!today bungie realesed photos of the new map called ghost town! its awsome! it is a remake of sierra 117. i say this beacause it take place in a jungle. but words cannot express how cool it is so how about some pics of ghost town!

halo 3 montage

Thursday, February 21, 2008

halo 3: daily

hi guys this is amatuer sarge tallking about machinenma. or in ohter words halo 3 videos like deus ex machina or red vs blue. im creating a new segment called halo weekly where i tell you anything new in halo like machinema or updates. in this week im tallking about machinema. currenently my favorite machinema is called deus ex machina which is about a man called jon brent who lives in the last existing city in the world. there are no police beacause every troop was called to go fight the covenent. since there was no police officers everyone was issued a slightly less strong version of mjoliner armor. because this armor was not properly tested people quicly found ways to make prmutations to make them stronger. these premutations where drugs that could make you stronger,faster or even invincibility. but the thing is jon brent was special, his partner michal was clever enogh to make a suit for jon to wear with sweet side affects. now deus ex machina(jon) is the only person that is watching over salvation city.

cloverfield:the movie info

last week i saw a movie that changed the perspective of movie making. it was a movie made on video camera! IT WAS SO COOL! it was about a moster attacking new york. it is awsome. though it was not explained where this demon(monster) came from or its origions. but never the less this movie delivered with its carnage and horor even though its not that scary i still loved everything but the ending,the ending was horrible! everyone dies!lolollolololololol

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

im bored so im going to put alot of pictures

pwned noob style!

my favorite brand is microsoft games

my favorite brand is microsoft games beacause of their games! they make great games like shadow run,crackdown,and pgr(project gotham racing)and one of their branches is a company called bungie which makes the halo games. but unfortunately bungie is making a split with microsoft beacause they wanted alot of the profit halo 3 broght in. but still microsoft ensures some coperation in futre halo games. microsoft games may have lost one of the best but they are still awsome.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

halo 3 poster


today im going to pull off a sweet valentines day prank. lol im going to go on xbox live and change my color and emblem pink and change my gender and put on voice masking. then i will sound like a girl,untiil the end of the game if someone asks if im a girl i will say im not. but anyway valentines is a love day not prank day. but whatever i got nothing else better to do today.

halo 3 legendary helmet

belive 9/25/07

halo lol

Monday, February 11, 2008